1st Smash Art Dojo contest results

[This news is about an event held in Japan only, but you might be interested in checking out the comments from Mr Sakurai! User names and the hashtag have been left in Japanese.]

Round 1 of the Smash Art Dojo contest was held a few days back, with players competing by posting funny snapshots using the #スマブラ画 hashtag. The theme is "Matsuri", or Japanese festivals.

There are also comments from game director Mr Masahiro Sakurai! Enjoy!

Theme: Matsuri

The Legendary Pyrotechnician (by 帰ってきたミーバース難民◇スマブラSPプレイ中◇)

  ▲Kind of thinking that might be somebody else's firework.

☆Snow Festival☆ (by ミゾ)

  ▲Maybe we'll start seeing actual Smash snow sculptures...

Oi! You can't scoop it up that way! (by あーぞー)

  ▲Wa-hoo! A for effort!

Piranha Ring Toss (by チャー)

  ▲But the ring won't fit...and the angle's wrong...

Monster Fishing (by ゲムヲ)

  ▲That's one scary monster! The fish looks mean too.

We're live, let's get this party started!! (by 端月)

  ▲This actually looks quite violent...

Impromptu parade float (by めざ非行)

  ▲That'll hold for the whole parade, no problem.

I hope I catch something! (by 奈華 [name shortened due to unsupported letters])

  ▲Not like that you won't...

Winter Swimming Festival "I'm really feeling it!!!" (by カーニィ)

  ▲Well, I mean you would, wouldn't you!!

Heard you like candy floss! (by もてピチュー 元ミバ絵師 書道稽古)

  ▲Oi! You can't scoop it up that way!

One chocolate-coated banana, please! (by かずきぃ)

  ▲"Coming right up! You want anchovies with that?"

Not the smoothest of rides... (by うぉまい)

  ▲You really had me wondering how you took this shot. Good job!!

Fairytale Ball (by のだこ@カンタービレ)

  ▲Again, all I see is people trying to kill each other.

Meta Knight: "I paid a visit to the mask stall, but these are all they had" (by couen CO. GP)

  ▲But only one is the strongest.

Here you go, six toffee apples! (by そろか)

  ▲You must have had to retake this so many times... Bravo!

Party yo-yo (by 失神)

  ▲I thought this thing came from a different dimension...but then I realised the black hole is just his wrist.

This is how you cut cookies, right? (by モッサリもやし)

  ▲Do they still do cookie cutting in festivals?

Look how fast I can spin this critter! (by ルキナ)

  ▲You want more pay? Not happening.

But I want iiit! Waaaaa! (by ysystem/ワイシス)

  ▲Thanks for the tantrum. Now you've made a scene.

Tried dancing the Bon-odori! (by プリン)

  ▲Taking the dance of the dead a bit too literally here...

I've got the drums covered, baby! (by タツイージ)

  ▲Ah, the secret "two-hammer drumming" technique.

The festival wasn't today...? (by タンコウ)

  ▲You'll get it right next time!

Float from the Goshogawara Tachineputa festival (by ぬどるふ)

  ▲Yeah, that's the float we did a while back. Did you guys know that?

Best Shot

A Boy and Girl in the Festive Spirit (by ほたて)

  ▲Ahh, this brings back mem... Who am I kidding? I had nothing like that. How cute does Zelda look, though?

There are plans for regular Smash Art Dojo contests with different themes, so you can look forward to more content in the future!*

*For Japan only