8th Smash Art Dojo contest results!

[This is about an event held in Japan only, but you might be interested in checking out the comments from Mr Sakurai!]

Round 8 of the Smash Art Dojo contest was held a few days ago, with players posting funny snapshots and videos using the #スマブラ画 hashtag. The theme is #癒やし (R&R).

Enjoy the comments from Mr Sakurai!

Theme: #癒やし (R&R) - Photos

"Bwahahaha! This bath feels great, eh kiddo?" "Sure does, Dad!"
(by カビオ)

  ▲Stay in acid too long and you'll be Dry Bowser and Dry Bowser Jr.!

Commands → Limit → Healing Wind (by ヨゥキー)

  ▲That FFVII Remake is looking pretty decent!

Honey, I'm Home! (by スマブラ画のスンスケ)

  ▲PAC-LAND is a game about taking a lost fairy home to Fairyland.
It came out even before Super Mario!

TFW you get that cuddly toy you've been wanting (by ひとひと)

  ▲Everybody deserves a bit of happiness!

Mid-air stroll in a custom balloon (by 機甲竜騎兵@パンツァードラグーン)

  ▲But she's only got 3 seconds of air-time...
You know, based on the special move rules.

Palm Treatment (by 74くん@7の島)

  ▲Exeggutor keeping out uninvited guests like always.

Jigglypuff performs its best Puff-Puff on Hero! (by よよ)

  ▲"Puff-puff, puff-puff"
"Ooohhh... Oh my..."

I can even stand the rain if I'm with you (by TAC@えいえんの秩序)

  ▲What're you doing back there, little guy? Did they forget about you?

Here, I've taken back your heart (by couen CO.GP)

Better get Daisy to make it all better.

A tune for a nice quiet evening (by りュうナりノツカイ)

  ▲Such refined grace...
But boy does that voice have some projection.

Idols are life! (by 夕″厶 ―<〓Iロ)

  ▲This totally fits the mood, and even the colours match!
The best part is how they're mirroring each other.

Pokémon-Amie (by もりゅー)

  ▲Ah, "mon amie" as in the French for "my friend"? Cool.

Nothing like a slug of warm milk after reaching the summit (by ばんぶれ)

  ▲Stop, stop!
You're drinking his memories!

Foot massages, Belmont style (by vaトし)

  ▲Gimme the works.

"You on a solo op, too?" (by まめ)

  ▲Said the gravelly-voiced Pichu...

A puppy copies its master (by イグニール@スマブラ画)

  ▲Is it time for dinner/din-dins yet?

Ahh, remember when we got married? (by ゲムヲ)

  ▲How did you take this photo?!
This wins the award for most surprising.

That cat... I want it... (by カエル@aki)

  ▲So it can steal the cat's warmth?
Sometimes cats can be like heaters.

Water Station (by あーぞー)

  ▲Working hard to stay fit.
But, do they really want THAT water?

Theme: #癒やし (R&R) - Videos

Growing kids need their sleep. Hush little baby... (by ぽてなが)

  ▲Isn't Jigglypuff's sleep time too short?
If the damage is high enough, you won't be waking up.

A nice soothing VR experience (by ちょあぐ)
Zelda: "Let's go on a date!"

  ▲I'm amazed by the attention to detail in this.
The eyes on the Mii change with each cut!

Secrets of the King of Evil (by スマブラ画のスンスケ)

  ▲Everybody deserves a bit of happiness (again)!
Even as an adult, I can't refuse sweets.

Best Shot

Loving the desert-island life! (by メロンがいい。)

  ▲Whatever else you can say about this shot, it's pretty!
But I guess pretty soon it really will be a desert island...

Best Video

If you can't sleep (by あーぞー)

  ▲Wonderful ending.
But was it a dream, or was it real?