[This news is about an event held in Japan only, but you might be interested in checking out the comments from Mr Sakurai!]
Round 1 of the Smash Art Dojo contest was held a few days back, with players competing by posting funny snapshots using the #スマブラ画 hashtag. The theme was "Matsuri," or Japanese festivals.
There are also comments from the game's director, Masahiro Sakurai!
Theme: Festival
The Legendary Pyrotechnician (Creator: 帰ってきたミーバース難民◇スマブラSPプレイ中◇)

▲Could that be someone else's fireworks?
☆Winter Festival☆(Creator: ミゾ)

▲I'd love to see a Smash Bros. snow statue someday.
You Can't Catch It with That! (Creator: あーぞー)

▲Wa-hoo! A for effort!
Piranha Ring Toss (Creator: チャー)

▲That ring isn't going to make it.
Demon Fishing (Creator: ゲムヲ)

▲I think the true demon is on the left...
Pumped for the Concert!! (Creator:端月)

▲They also seem pumped to battle.
Instant Parade (Creator: めざ非行)

▲You looks like it reaches the next town over.
Can I Fish for Yo-Yos Like This? (Creator: 奈華 *Included a character that could not be displayed, so part of the name is abbreviated)

▲I don't think that's the right way to fish for them...
Winter Swimming Contest! I'm Really Feeling It! (Creator:カーニィ)

▲Well if you're feeling it, it can't be helped!
Eat Tons♪(Creator: もてピチュー 元ミバ絵師 書道稽古)

▲Hey! You can't scoop it up that way!
"Please Make This a Chocolate Banana!" (Creator: かずきぃ)

▲"I'll put some vinegar and soy sauce on it too!"
A Rough Mikoshi (Creator: うぉまい)

▲I'm curious how you took this photo. It's amazing!!
A Dance in a Fantasy World (Creator: のだこ@カンタービレ)

▲Of course, they are ready to go for the kill too.
Meta Knight: I looked in the mask shop, and they only had weird ones left (Creator: couen CO. GP)

▲However, there's one that's really powerful.
There ya go! 6 Takoyaki! (Creator: そろか)

▲This photo probably required lots or retakes. Great job!
Yo-yo at a Festival (Creator: 失神)

▲I thought it was coming from an alternate dimension... The dark part is the cross section of the wrist.
This is how you cut cookies, right? (Creator: モッサリもやし)

▲Do they still do cookie cutting in festivals?
"I'll spin it more than usual!" (Creator: ルキナ)

▲You want more pay? Not happening.
But I want iiit! (Creator: ysystem/ワイシス)

▲Thank you for the great tantrum.
Dancing at the Bon festival dance (Creator: プリン)

▲Is it the Bon festival dance performed by departed spirits?
"Leave the drums to me!" (Creator: タツイージ)

▲Taken with two hammers. A secret technique.
It wasn't today... (Creator: タンコウ)

▲Try again next time!
Goshogawara Tachineputa Festival Float (Creator: ぬどるふ)

▲Yeah, that's the float we did a while back. Did you guys know that?
#1 Photo
A Boy and Girl Enjoying the Festival (Creator: ほたて)

▲Ahh, this brings back mem... Who am I kidding? I had nothing like that. How cute does Zelda look, though?
There are plans for regular Smash Art Dojo contests with different themes, so you can look forward to more content in the future!*
*For Japan only