[This news is about an event held in Japan
only, but you might be interested in checking
out the comments from Mr. Sakurai!]
Round 7 of the Smash Art Dojo contest was
held a few days ago, with players competing
by posting funny content using the #スマブラ画
hashtag and the theme of #仲間 (Friends).
Enjoy comments from Mr. Sakurai!
Theme:#仲間 (Friends) - Photos
If I throw this, my old students will be friends again, right?! (by TAC@えいえんの秩序)

▲Nope, it's not true. Not even if you weaken them first before capturing them.
Bye Bye Butterfree (by パセリ)

▲You were my best friend...
We're the Indie Power Trio!!! (by ラリアット)

▲Smash Bros. is pretty impressive...
Two heads are better than one, and four heads are better than three! (by 火桜)

▲Did you know that the first Animal Crossing's Japanese slogan was similar to this?
Pichu's hanging out with the wrong crowd (but Pikachu's on the case) (by うぉまい)

▲Pikachu's camouflage is on point.
Leave this to me! (by のび太 deaf)

▲Hero might be saying this, but I think it's actually Death speaking.
Excellent! Welcome to Bowser's Minions! (by couen CO.GP)

▲Stick a shell on him and you've got a shell slime.
Before and After (by もりゅー)

▲I don't know about you, but I can really feel the history here.
All together now! (by 端月)

▲Kirby mastered this instantly... It's a sign of his genius.
"Huh? Where's Roy?" "Right here! Don't forget me!" (by わさびりュうナり)

▲That's not the Roy we meant... Hang on, where's the other Roy?!
"Heh, looks like I was just in time." "Who are you...?" (by ちょあぐ)

▲Ah, so he's here... Wait, I meant the other Roy.
Workout pals! Why not learn about flexibility with them? (by スマッシュマン)

▲And those are the stiffest fighters, for sure. Was it super effective?!
The Smash Bros. Archery Club (by カイ@?)

▲Let's not use angels as target practice!
We're in Hollywood! (by penpen)

▲Congrats on the live-action movies!!
A mysterious and enigmatic partner (by 74くん)

▲Do you think he's related to slimes? He did come out later, so Gooey looks too similar...
We be pirates! (by HOTMILK)

▲So Kaptain K. Rool did have underlings, huh...
Combine forces! (by ぬどるふ)

▲It doesn't look all that strong. Good job taking this, though!
Is this a robbery? No, we're regulars. (by 機甲竜騎兵@パンツァードラグーン)

▲Regular thieves, right?
Figure Skating Pair (by アーニャルド)

▲What teamwork! Now if only they were wearing ice skates...
Theme: #仲間 (Friends) - Videos
Panic Proposal - All's Well That Ends Well! (by エクスル)

▲What are those three proud of?? They didn't do anything!
Friends Help Each Other (by あーぞー)

▲A journey back through Mario Bros. series history.
In the past, Smash has had the original Mario Bros. colors.
Who will you side with? Who will you cross swords with?
I should have this made with someone. (by glass(グラス))

▲To make something so reminiscent of the original,
and to do it alone... That must have been tough.
Best Shot
Thus began our heroes' quest (by アデリーペンギン)

▲I salute the people who did all this in real time!
Best Video
The Lonely Whispy Woods (by ゲムヲ)

▲Now that I think about it, Whispy Woods doesn't have a lot to do...
The focus of each shot is really good!