[This news is about an event held in Japan only, but you might be interested in checking out the comments from Mr. Sakurai! User names and the hashtag have been left in Japanese.]
Round five of the Smash Art Dojo contest was held a few days ago, with players competing by posting funny snapshots using the #スマブラ画 hashtag. Following the Splatoon 2 Splatocalypse, the two themes are #混沌 (Chaos) and #秩序 (Order).
We present some of these snapshots to you, along with comments from game director Mr. Masahiro Sakurai! Enjoy!
Theme 1: #混沌 (Chaos)
Cloud: "You're...Sephiroth!" (by ソルジャー)

Mad scientist joyfully beholds his final creation (by 74くん)

▲And then gets eaten
I-is someone there...? (by couen CO.GP)

▲It's me. Me, me!
Release your curse and be at peace! (by 端月)

▲This is a little similar to the Simon Belmont intro movie...
The four gods clash! Fire, lightning, earth, and...fear? (by ディナー伊達)

▲Should the god of fear be so spineless?
One of these is Pit! (by イフリート@AGEシュテルンは呆れた顔してる)

▲Yep, got him. I got it at first glance. Seriously.
Forget all that. I LOVE milk! (by 次元幽閉)

▲Children care nothing for the woes of the world...
Arriving in a new world: "S-someone help meee!" (by メロンがいい。)

▲This happens a lot in Nintendo games...
Knock back one of these meteor thingies? I can do that! (by iron)

▲Just a pesky little Reset Bomb—no problems there!
We...need...color... Give...us...your color! (by のってぃー/Notty)

▲Oh, you want color? Say hello to my little friend!
"I'm gonna be a Pokémon!" "I think you're more of a Monster Hunter kinda guy..." (by むいむいカレー)

▲I'd be very interested in crafting some Ridley Armor.
Theme 2: #秩序 (Order)
Ah, the safe, orderly fun of an idol concert. Enjoy! (by よよ)

▲It's getting harder and harder to tell idols apart these days...
All right, get in line! (by 袋小路じゃじゃ丸)

▲Ten hut! Single file, march right!
Here we go! Extreme Evoboost! (by vaトし)

▲It would've been nice to have Sylveon's colors here too.
Light and dark, in perfect equilibrium (by 機甲竜騎兵@パンツァードラグーン)

▲Which one will you choose?
What fate do those eyes behold? (by ミゾ)

▲I guess Isabelle's standing ready at the point of impact...
Back Where It Belongs (by 夏野菜リュウナリ)

▲Is this the beginning of the end or the actual end?
On these scales shall your sins be weighed! (by あーぞー)

▲Nope. Count me out.
Evolution (by TOMO!!!)

▲All life must evolve...or so a scholar said.
Give your heart(s) to the Goddess (by カビオ@マリルイRPG3DXプレイ中)

▲I don't think she notices.
Please remove your helmet before entering the shop! (by ぬどるふ)

▲Maybe just do as she says. I'd like to add that it shows a lot of skill to have damaged them all and snapped a photo!
Bridge the world with rainbows! (by よよ)

▲PEACE! At the end of the day, that's what's most important.
Best Shot
Fellow chaosmongers! Good luck in the Splatfest! (by 火桜)

Fellow agents of order! Good luck in the Splatfest! (by 火桜)

▲Go for the rage effect? Or have a really good recovery effect? I could get behind either strategy!
Regular Smash Art Dojo contests with different themes are planned to continue, so you can look forward to more content in the future!*
*For Japan only